This book provides detailed practical advice on the role of stakeholders in an alternate restorative approach to punishment versus traditional punitive disciplinary measures, backed by practical examples and case studies.
This work provides practical guidance on how to facilitate diversity and difference in schools. It integrates law, policy and case law to provide a comprehensive legislative go-to source for guidance on how to deal with diversity in schools.
Available in English and Afrikaans, this book is a clear and comprehensive guide to effective school governance. It provides practical advice on what to do about the common, and sometimes difficult, issues faced by anyone involved in school governance.
Available in English and Afrikaans, this book provides invaluable practical advice on the management of finances in public schools and addresses the key areas of the financial management framework.
This accessible pocket-sized title contains theSouth African Schools Act 84 of 1996, the National Education Policy Act 27 of1996, the Employment of Educators Act 76 of 1998 as well as regulations and related material.
South African Schools Act 84 of 1996 – 20 years on
Elda de Waal (Editor)
This book provides invaluable advice on the most pertinent areas of human resources management in public schools. It includes an overview of the most important laws and regulations affecting schools in this area, and explains their practical implications.
This work considers practical alternatives for addressing contentious matters in schooling since 1996. It also discusses the constitutional changes and values in the context of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.